Science Corner 2022

SCIENCE CORNER Today we have participated in the Science Corner, an initiative of the Scientific Culture Unit of the University of Zaragoza, organised at the San Francisco Campus.Laura Paz, Vira Sharko, Marina Perez and Sara Abizanda have been sharing knowledge and...

Marina Perez online seminar

SEMINAR UT Center for Computational Oncology  On the last 23 of March, our PhD student Marina Pérez Aliacar gave a Seminar for the Center of Computational Oncology at the University of Texas. She explained part of her work developing mathematical models to study...

Alodia Lacueva Flagship

Alodia Lacueva Graphene Flagship Alodia Lacueva participates in the 24M Graphene FLAGSHIP meeting in Venice on March 31. The kidney-on-chip model evaluates the toxicity of graphene nanoparticles under flow conditions. Title of the talk: Fundamental research on...

Ignacio Ochoa Conference

Ignacio Ochoa Invited Conference Ignacio Ochoa has given a couple of talks in clinical neuro-oncology and gynecology at the Miguel Servet Hospital, last february. Title: “Organ on chip: Microfluidic devices to mimic the tissue microenvironment”February 23 and...

SEMTA Conference

SEMTA Conference Manuel Doblaré gives the inaugural conference of the 2nd Colloquium of the Spanish Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics(SEMTA), held in Seville from March 27 to 29, 2022. The title of the conference was “Reflection on the Interactions between...