New article: Benefits of cryopreservation as long-term storage method of encapsulated cardiosphere-derived cells for cardiac therapy: A biomechanical análisis
A new article in sight, we investigate the effects of cryopreservation on alginate-poly-L-lysine-alginate (APA) microcapsules loaded with cardiosphere-derived cells (CDCs) designed for myocardial...
PhD Wanted
We are looking for a Ph.D. in Physically Guided Artificial Intelligence and application to the study of tumor evolution. If you are interested in this research field, contact us and you´ll have the...
OoCA presented during the 3rd EUROoCS meeting
Ignacio Ochoa presented together with other national OoC initiatives, during the 3rd annual EUROoCS meeting our latest project: Organ-on-Chip Aragón. Aragon is a reference in a technology that...
EUROoCS Travel Award
During the 3rd annual EUROoCS meeting, Marina Perez presented the poster titled "Intelligent Microfluidics: using deep learning to predict model parameters from glioblastoma-on-a-chip images". Is...
New article: Predicting cell behaviour parameters from glioblastoma on a chip images. A deep learning approach
We would like to present our latest article. In this work, we combine the power of deep learning and microfluidics to present a novel methodology for parameter identification from culture images...
Ana Rosa Remacha, new member
We are happy to announce a new entry to our team. Ana Remacha will bring us her experience as a Doctor in Biomedical and Biotechnological Sciences and her immense desire to work. Welcome Ana!!!
Vira Sharko, new member
New entry in our group, the team is growing!!! Vira Sharko is a hard-working biologist with a deep background in cellular biology and biomedicine, and two years of experience assisting research...
New article: Prediction and identification of physical systems by means of Physically-Guided Neural Networks with meaningful internal layers
We are pleased to present our latest work titled: "Prediction and identification of physical systems by means of Physically-Guided Neural Networks with meaningful internal layers." It was finally...
Grullas contra el cancer
Hemos lanzado el reto "Grullas contra el cáncer" con el fin de concienciar a la sociedad de la necesidad de investigar más y mejor para tratar de encontrar mejores tratamientos para los pacientes...
11F 2021 Women and Girl in Science
Our team, made up mostly of women, is working daily to achieve scientific advances. We are proud to have such a wonderful team. Thank you girls !!! "I never see what has been done; I only see what...