PhD Wanted

We are looking for a Ph.D. in Physically Guided Artificial Intelligence and application to the study of tumor evolution. If you are interested in this research field,  contact us and you´ll have the...

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EUROoCS Travel Award

During the 3rd annual EUROoCS meeting, Marina Perez presented the poster titled "Intelligent Microfluidics: using deep learning to predict model parameters from glioblastoma-on-a-chip images".  Is...

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Ana Rosa Remacha, new member

Ana Rosa Remacha, new member

We are happy to announce a new entry to our team. Ana Remacha will bring us her experience as a Doctor in Biomedical and Biotechnological Sciences and her immense desire to work. Welcome Ana!!!

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Vira Sharko, new member

Vira Sharko, new member

New entry in our group, the team is growing!!! Vira Sharko is a hard-working biologist with a deep background in cellular bi­ology and biomedicine, and two years of experience assisting re­search...

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