What do we do? PRIME Project
What do we do in TMElab? PRIME advanced and versatile PRInting platform for the,next generation of active Microfluidic dEvices. PRIME project has received funding from the European Union`s Horizon...
What do we do? BRAV3 Project
What do we do in TMElab? We try to cover all facets of a research group: fundamental research, translation to clinics, technology transfer to industry, and high-level training. We currently have a...
Ignacio Ochoa invited speaker at XIX SEBC Congress
We leave you a summary of the talk given by Ignacio Ochoa in the XIX edition of the Congress of the Spanish Society of Cell Biology (SEBC) held in Boadilla del Monte (Madrid) from October 26-29,...
Marina Pérez- Award for the best Scientific Contribution in the Biomedical Engineering Division
Our PhD student, Marina Pérez received the award for the best scientific contribution in the Biomedical Engineering division during the X Conference of Young Researchers and Researchers organized by...
Manuel Doblaré receives “I3A Distiction”
Manuel Doblaré receives the "I3A Distinction" for his driving role in promoting and launching this Research Institute. He only had words of gratitude to those who were with him in the development of...
ipIBA seminar series
On October 6th, Jacobo Ayensa Jiménez participated at the ipIBA seminar series with a talk entitled "Unravelling cell metabolic behaviour using Physically-Guided neural Networks: Towards...
iPSC experience
Excellent experience with the research group of Regenerative Medicine in Applied Medical Research Centre (Cima Universidad de Navarra) led by Manuel Mazo and his wonderful team.Jesus Ciriza and...
IACM Conference
Mechanistic Machine Learning and Digital Twins for Computational Science, Engineering & Technology, an IACM Conference was hold on September 26-29, 2021 in Hyatt Regency Mission Bay, San Diego,...
European Researchers’ Night 2021
On World Cancer Research Day, our young researchers have participated in the European Researchers' Night, a public event throughout Europe. It has been a very positive and enriching experience. This...
Short stay of Maricke, ERASMUS student from TUDelft
Maricke Angenent is an Erasmus student from TU Delft and she is on an internship for 3 months with our group.Her traineeship is about Skin-on-chip model: Microfluidic approach to recapitulate the...