Sep 11, 2023 | Publication
TME lab members published a new research paper Artificial Cells, Nanomedicine, and Biotechnology. September 2023 The research article entitled “Nanoparticles Stokes radius assessment through permeability coefficient determination within a new stratified...
Aug 17, 2023 | Publication
Marina Pérez, Jacobo Ayensa and Manuel Doblaré published a new research paper Computer in Biology and Medicine. September 2023 The work, entitled “Modelling cell adaptation using internal variables: Accounting for cell plasticity in continuum mathematical biology.”...
Jan 16, 2023 | Publication
REVIEW: Current approaches for the recreation of cardiac ischaemic environment in vitro First TMELab publication in 2023! We just published a review entitled “Current approaches for the recreation of cardiac ischaemic environment in vitro”. Myocardial ischaemia is one...
Feb 4, 2022 | Publication
Jacobo Ayensa presents part of his work This January, a summary of the work of Jacobo Ayensa-Jiménez developed during his Ph.D. appeared in the media. He explained how the combination of Artificial Intelligence techniques and the biological knowledge about tumor...
Sep 7, 2021 | Publication
New article: Benefits of cryopreservation as long-term storage method of encapsulated cardiosphere-derived cells for cardiac therapy: A biomechanical análisis A new article in sight, we investigate the effects of cryopreservation on alginate-poly-L-lysine-alginate...
Jun 18, 2021 | Publication
New article: Predicting cell behaviour parameters from glioblastoma on a chip images. A deep learning approach We would like to present our latest article. In this work, we combine the power of deep learning and microfluidics to present a novel methodology for...