5th Anniversary BEOnCHIP

Founded in 2016, our SpinOff BEOnCHIP celebrates its fifth anniversary today. It is a great team dedicated to designing, manufacturing, and selling easy-to-use, disposable biomimetic cell culture...

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New Paper_ACS Publications

Double joy today 18th of December, not only that the most recent of our work has just been published online, but we have also been chosen as the cover for the magazine.    "Force Spectroscopy...

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Moderate round table IIS Aragón forum

Moderate round table IIS Aragón forum

Manuel Doblaré will moderate on December 2  a round table discussion about the experience of using big data in clinical practice within the IIS ARAGÓN Forum “Use of BIG DATA Tools in Health” - Big...

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New Paper_Scientific Reports

New Paper_Scientific Reports

We are very happy to announce that our latest work:"Mathematical formulation and parametric analysis of in vitro cell models in microfluidic devices. Application to different stages of glioblastoma...

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CISTEM, Management meeting

CISTEM, Management meeting

 CISTEM management meeting was successfully held today  28 of September online format. Unfortunately, it has been impossible to do it physically this time, but we have had a very fruitful...

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Jesus Ciriza, new member

Jesus Ciriza, new member

We are glad to announce the new member of our team, Jesus Ciriza.  He is here to contribute his knowledge as a postdoctoral researcher in biomedicine.  We hope this is the beginning of an enriching...

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Predoctoral position

Predoctoral position

A predoctoral position is available in our group (TMElab-I3A-Univ. de Zaragoza/IIS Aragón/ CIBER BBN). We are a highly multidisciplinary group made up of engineers, physicists, and researchers from...

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