Santander Awards for Digital Competences in Master Final Projects at the University of Zaragoza
Awarded year 2022
Raquel Arroyo / Zaragoza 07 of June 2023
Engineering and Architecture – Master´s final Project
First prize: Raquel Arroyo Vázquez
Title of the work: “Models based on agents to simulate the evolution of glioblastoma in an in vitro model”
Directors: Manuel Doblaré Castellano and Marina Pérez Aliacar
Our college, Raquel Arroyo Vázquez wins the first prize in Santander Digital Skills Competition at the University of Zaragoza, in the engineering and architecture category. With her master’s final project work: “Agents-based models for simulating the evolution of glioblastoma on an in vitro model”
The objective of this contest is to promote the development of digital skills. Looking for creativity, clarity, attractiveness and originality of the message conveyed, as well as the quality of the video (composition and editing).
Congratulations to Raquel Arroyo Vázquez for her success in the Santander Digital Skills Competition!

Tissue Microenvironment lab - Universidad de Zaragoza | We are us and our circumstances (José Ortega y Gasset)
Rio Ebro Campus, Mariano Esquillor street w/o number, R&D Builiding, block 4
(50018 Zaragoza)
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