Estibaliz Fernández Carro participation in the NETSKINMODELS COST Action CA21108 Training School
Our member Estibaliz Fernández Carro participated in the NETSKINMODELS COST Action CA21108 Training School ‘Demystifying dermatological cell culture: From human skin tissue to primary keratinocytes and fibroblasts’, which was held in Istanbul (Turkey) from July 21st to June 26th.
In this training school our colleague had the opportunity to learn advanced skills in basic epidermal and dermal cell culture techniques to work with primary human cells, as well as meeting a wonderful group of researchers from different countries.

Tissue Microenvironment lab - Universidad de Zaragoza | We are us and our circumstances (José Ortega y Gasset)
Rio Ebro Campus, Mariano Esquillor street w/o number, R&D Builiding, block 4
(50018 Zaragoza)
+34 876 55 54 66
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