Three Minute Thesis_Jacobo Ayensa Jimenez

Three Minute Thesis_Jacobo Ayensa Jimenez Following the model of the annual contest, The Three Minute Thesis or ‘3MT takes place in more than 200 universities around the world. This contest challenges participants to present their research in just 180 seconds,...

What do we do? Moore4Medical Project

What do we do? Moore4Medical Project What do we do in TMElab? We also work in In Vitro Skin Models The TME Lab from the Aragón Engineering Research Institute (I3A) of the University of Zaragoza in collaboration with BEOnChip company participates in the European...

What do we do? PRIME Project

What do we do? PRIME Project What do we do in TMElab? PRIME advanced and versatile PRInting platform for the,next generation of active Microfluidic dEvices. PRIME project has received funding from the European Union`s Horizon 2020 Research & Innovation Programme...

What do we do? BRAV3 Project

What do we do? BRAV3 Project  What do we do in TMElab? We try to cover all facets of a research group: fundamental research, translation to clinics, technology transfer to industry, and high-level training. We currently have a few projects in our hands, funded mainly...

iPSC experience

iPSC experience Excellent experience with the research group of Regenerative Medicine in Applied Medical Research Centre (Cima Universidad de Navarra) led by Manuel Mazo and his wonderful team.Jesus Ciriza and Sandra Gonzalez went there to learn the process of iPSC...

Grullas contra el cancer

Grullas contra el cancer Hemos lanzado el reto “Grullas contra el cáncer” con el fin de concienciar a la sociedad de la necesidad de investigar más y mejor para tratar de encontrar mejores tratamientos para los pacientes oncológicos....