The latest work by Claudia, Héctor and Ismael on microfluidic devices has been accepted for
publication on Biomimetics (MDPI)


Our members Claudia Olaizola, Hector Castro-Abril, Ismael Perisé Badía, ignacio Ochoa Garrido and Sara Oliván García have recently published a new research paper, in collaboration with Lara Pancorbo and Rosa Monge Prieto, PhD, MBA, from BEONCHIP.

The work, entitled “Reducing Inert Materials for Optimal Cell–Cell and Cell–Matrix Interactions within Microphysiological Systems” has been accepted in the journal Biomimetics MDPI, by @MDPI.

Full text here:

In this paper, they present novel microfluidic devices with reduced inert materials, which favors full interaction between cells, while reducing unexpected cell responses to the mechanical properties of the material itself.

Great work and congratulations to all the authors!!!


Tissue Microenvironment lab - Universidad de Zaragoza | We are us and our circumstances (José Ortega y Gasset)





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