PhD Student

Short Biography

This is Sara Abizanda Campo. She studied a degree in Biotechnology in the University of Zaragoza. She enjoyed an Erasmus scholarship in Dublin’s Trinity College University, where she realized her interest in immunology. After graduated, she did a master’s degree in Molecular and Cellular Biology and at the same time, she attended to a course of Oncoimmunology and Cancer Immunotherapy.

Right now, she is doing her Ph.D. project in the area of Biomedical Engineering in the field of oncoimmunotherapy. More specifically, she is studying the role of tumour-associated macrophages in glioblastoma progression and invasion capacity. Sara is also doing a Secondary Education Teaching master´s degree and she shows great interest in scientific dissemination.

In the near future, she looks forward to do her best in the Ph.D. and learn as much as she can from a research area that fascinates her, and hopefully someday transmit all the knowledge stored these years.