Roxana Subaseanu is the project manager of the Tissue Microenvironment Lab (TMElab).
She also provides administrative support to the entire group since May 2008. This support includes general office management, clerical work (including maintaining records and entering data), planning meetings, placing orders, managing filing systems, staff calls, and grants or a variety of other tasks.
Roxana received her Bachelor´s degree from the University “Petrol si Gaze,” Faculty of Economics, Management Specialization in Rumania in 2006. Her title is recognized for exercising the profession of economist in Spain and has a Master’s degree in Project Management from the International University of Valencia (VIU).
Her work expertise started in 2008 with the group of Structural Mechanics and Materials Modeling (GEMM) of the University of Zaragoza – now the actual Tissue Microenvironment Group.