I am Marta Gargallo Alonso, I graduated in Biotechnology by the University of Zaragoza and I have a Master Degree inGlobal Health by the University of Zaragoza. In June I started working in the TMElab group and I am collaborating on several projects, including ‘Study of the cell lines present in the ovary and its importance in the in vitro maturation process’ and ‘Development of an organ-on-chip model of the follicle for in vitro maturation of human oocytes’.
Tissue Microenvironment lab - Universidad de Zaragoza | We are us and our circumstances (José Ortega y Gasset)
Rio Ebro Campus, Mariano Esquillor street w/o number, R&D Builiding, block 4
(50018 Zaragoza)
+34 876 55 54 66
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